1.- Identification data
This Legal Notice regulates the use of the web scalextric.es service (hereinafter the “Web”) that Scale Competition Xtreme, SL makes available to Internet users.
The Web allows to manage the online purchase of SCALEXTRIC products; as well as, firsthand, to know the trends of the season, by means of push notifications, if you wish.
The Web is directed exclusively to a public over 18 years of age.
2.- Acceptance of the user
All the information contained in this Web, its graphic design, as well as its source code constitute a work whose intellectual property belongs to Scale Competition Xtreme, SL. Internet users who access this Web can visualize the information contained in it and make downloads or private reproductions in their computer system, provided that the elements reproduced are not later transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or a local computer network. The reproduction, distribution, public communication and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the owner of the exploitation rights are prohibited. The infringement of any of these rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as an offence punishable under articles 270 et seq. of the current Criminal Code.
Scalextric® and its logo are trademarks of Ambro Invest, SL. Any use of the same is totally prohibited without the express authorization of the holder. scalextric.es is a domain name registered by Ambro Invest, SL.
The domain names of Ambro Invest, SL cannot be used in connection with other products or services other than that company, and cannot be used in any way that can cause confusion between our clients or discredit of Ambro Invest, SL.
3.- Use of the web
Scale Competition Xtreme, SL is exonerated from any liability arising from:
- Web failures due to causes of force majeure, fortuitous cases or other causes not attributable to it.
- Technical and/or mechanical problems or viruses produced during the Internet connection (whether through the Scale Competition Xtreme Web, SL or Third-party Platforms), computer systems (software and hardware) or electronic documents and files stored in computer equipment.
- From the access of minors to the contents of the Web, the responsibility of their parents or guardians to exercise appropriate control over the activity of the minor children in their care.
In addition, Scale Competition Xtreme, SL is not responsible for the veracity, updating and bidding of the contents of the pages that, if any, are suggested by the company or that appear linked. Scale Competition Xtreme, SL is exonerated from all liability to the user in terms of the legal conditions of use and the contents of the different pages, platforms suggested or linked by Scale Competition Xtreme, SL being at the discretion of the user to accept them or not.
Scale Competition Xtreme, SL is not responsible for communications that, including the name of SCALEXTRIC, are not previously authorized by it. To this end, we report that all communications concerning actions or calls to participate in any event related to the brand will always be published on the official website.
4.- Access to the web and passwords
For any doubt, suggestion, query or claim on the Web, you can contact the User Care Service, by any of the following means: E-mail: atencionconsumidor@scalextric.es or Postal in the following address: Scale Competition Xtreme, SL, Marqués de la Ensenada no 14, 1-15 28004 Madrid.
In addition, we have official Claim Sheets available to consumers and users, which can be presented in the postal address and e-mail above. You can request them here: atencionconsumidor@scalextric.es.
Scale Competition Xtreme Customer Service, SL will serve and respond to your claim as soon as possible, and in any case within a maximum period of one month. In the event that your request is not satisfactorily resolved, you may go to the ordinary jurisdiction or process your claim through the website http://ec.europa.eu/odrwhich will provide a single point of access for extrajudicial resolution free.
5.- Modification of legal notice conditions
Scale Competition Xtreme, SL may modify this Legal Notice if it makes its communication to the Users, a requirement that the parties expressly agree that it is understood to be fulfilled with the publication of the variations through the Web.